What Annoyed You Today?

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Workplace does not allow drinking on the job and I could really use a shot right now. Bad week!!!! Cannot wait until it is over, thankfully I have this Friday and next Monday and Tuesday off to go relax in the woods for 5 days.
Enjoy Buck

you sound like you deserve it!

Went to school ,learn't nothing in physics which is really annoying considering I've only got 3 hours of it before my exam in 3 weeks
Thanks for the get well wishes, things are looking up. Am able to walk without much pain, thankfully the stretching and strengthening exercises I've been doing the last couple month lessens the time it take my Achilles to heal when I do bang it up again.
Hope your over the Flu soon Henk, I pretty much have to be dead before I miss a day at work too.
Hi Daniel, nice to be back in touch! The heat I would love, but I'm not sure what it is, as this year's weather in the U.K. has been like autumn since last autumn! The loud music,....well, maybe I could put up with that if I had the heat!!
Sure is Terry

Clouds are starting to give me shelter ,think it may even rain.....Praise the lord!

bit stupid really I complain about it being 30degress weh the guys over in Aussi have to put up with hotter temps

Still my internet is bugging the crap out of me,only just got over to the off topic section took about 5 minutes
Having decided, as I was still up, to drive to an all night store at approximately 02.00hrs, just to get some milk, my Jeep decided, after about one and a half miles, to go on strike! The engine just stopped; no warning lights, no reason. I had to wait over an hour for the R.A.C. (A U.K. breakdown/rescue service) to arrive, having drained the battery trying to get the 4 litre engine to fire. As I was stuck on one of the darkest roads in the County, I couldn't see sweet fanny adams under the hood, but jiggled all the ignition leads, knowing it had to be an ignition problem. Sure enough, Mr. R.A.C. man confirmed a small fault at the coil end of the ignition chain, and got me going again. Eventually got the milk, and arrived home at approx 04.00hrs, ever so slightly p****d off!
Sorry to hear that Terry

Tonight I turned the tv on and there was a documentary on P-47's ,I'd missed half of it.Although it was quite inaccurate

then they started shooting up poor 109's

spose they had to and wanted to but come on just give me like 2 and il be happy
Um I had an economics exam today....meant to be there at 9:10....woke up at 9:02....live quite a way from school...was quite an uncomfortable morning
Sh#t, that sucks 109. Did you make to take the exam?

Don't worry, that happened to me too. Was supposed to wake up early for a trip pertaining to my major, digital media. Woke up with 20 minutes to spare. Had to skip a shower, not a pleasant feeling.
makes you feel like crap don't it?

yeah I made it ,had no breakfast no shower and was out the door at 10 past

felt so sick when I got home.Did 3 of the 4 papers so hopefully il pass 2 of them
Getting out of bed...real stiff after last night's basketball game......

Hope you passed Daniel...my daughter finished her exams today,was happy with how she went....one more day at school next week and she is done for the year.
A friend of mine is the manager at a video/dvd rental store where I use to work and he wants me to come back and work behind the counter and give up my manager post where I work now. He is insane I will never work for him, been there done that and still have the T-shirt.

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