What Annoyed You Today?

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Getting out of bed...real stiff after last night's basketball game......

Hope you passed Daniel...my daughter finished her exams today,was happy with how she went....one more day at school next week and she is done for the year.

Thanks Wayne.I hope I pass too,Best of luck to your daughter

If she does exams half as good as you make models she'l pass with flying colours

Had a real bad day.I had an english exam
Just found out that my Archery shooting buddy, whom is the same age as me (43), had open heart surgery a little over a week ago. Sounds like he is doing well, but Doctor ordered him not to shoot a bow for at least 3 months. I'm sure that is bumming him out the most as he usually shoots a little every day.
Thanks, have not heard back from him on my last e-mail to him. Said he had another Doctor appointment this afternoon. Offered to give him a hand with anything he needed, accept for bringing him Beer Although, shouldn't beer thin the blood and make it pump through the Heart easier
I went to the model store today. They still don't have my Dora in, which is fine because I've given up on it anyway. BUT, they had a !;32 Fw 190 A-6 AND a 1:32 Ki-61, both by Hasegawa, and I would've taken either in the Dora's place as well. I probably would've gone with the Hien, as it's one of those planes I've never really seriously thought of building but would be cool. Ah well, I was gonna build an F4U somewhere along the line anyway.
why do fruit packers put a little sticker on every piece of fruit in the box ?

it becomes a pain in the arse taking them off by the hundred.

then you miss one and some t**t complains because he had to remove it his self before he could eat an apple and it put him off
Yeah I know what you mean

Had to do about 5 hours of study today ontop of that I've got the exam tommorrow and then followed by a physics(dreaded) the day after

WTF is wrong with the people in wellington? my first 2 exams were the same ,one on one day then another the day after ...maybe a gap day between would help people achieve better results??? did nobody think of that???
Why take them off at all it indicates quality of the place they were grown
BTW they must be like limes if you get hundreds in a box most of ours are about 80
we had a large conferance that wanted fresh fruit at each of their breaks so i did up about 20 large trays of mixed whole fruit over a couple of days so used a few boxes pb !
company core standereds say i must remove all stickers before serving whole fruit !
i still cant belive they pay people to come up with this s**t
NFL Officials! They really suck this year!

My 49ers were down on the 3 yard line against Dallas a few minutes ago and the QB threw the ball into the endzone for an incomplete. The Dallas Defender did 100% pass interfierence and the offiical did not throw a flag!

They even showed on the the Jumbotron thingie...

Fricken Pathetic!

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