What Annoyed You Today? (4 Viewers)

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What annoyed me is that the news item about my blend photo project was okay, apart from the fact that they did not say where people can see the photos, so the whole item was rendered useless for us.
I was just washing the leaves and stuff out of the back of my 25 year old pickup truck and it occurred to me:

"If R2D2 could plug into the Death Star's systems, why couldn't he just tell it to wait about 15 min and blow itself up?"


After all, Detroit and Microsoft and various other entities manage to do the equivalent of that on a quite regular basis.

Sorry if I just ruined your favorite movie.
Shocking to know R2D2 run on win95

SCAM WARNING! I just went on line to find out how to fix my Craftsman electric chain saw. I was told it cost $5 to join "JustAnswer.com" but was NOT told it would cost $40 a month! I immediately got a call from the USAA Cedit Card Fraud Center and was asked if I had authorized those purchases. I told them I had not authorized the $40 and wanted to cancel the $5 as well. They told me that when the charges post we could open a dispute but i would have to call them at that time. So STAY AWAY from Justanswer.com. THEY ARE A SCAM! Let everyone else know!

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