What Annoyed You Today?

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Sorry to hear that Charles. Know the feeling. But know this my friend.....
worse things can happen. As long as you and Edna Mae are healthy and happy, no worries.


Well, another door opens next week Charles...Best of Luck to you my Friend!
Re-injured my Achilles Tendon at the track last night. Trobbed through the night. Burns and achels this morning. Hobbling around the workplace today as well. I'm about ready to sharpen up the chainsaw again and take that foot off just above the ankle and solve the problem once and for all!!!
Yep, sounds like it has to go Buck! fire it up man.....

...seriously take care mate and look after yourself!

..and me....bent my little pinky backwards playing basketball last night, SOB is rather tender and swollen.....
Well, Achilles is already feeling better thankfully, but I managed to spill scalding hot water on the tip of my finger this morning. Same finger I split open over the weekend. No bandage on it fromt he split so it burned like heck. Can still feel it throbbing.
Makes me wonder what's next in the pain/that was a stupid thing to do department?
I can't pick a scheme for my Corsair! I was originally going to do a VMF-214 bird, or Lonesome Polecat from VF-17, then I was going to convert it to a birdcage, and now I'm thinking FAA! Choices, choices. It just annoys me how I can never stick to one thing.

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