What Annoyed You Today?

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Weekend was over too soon, just getting into the groove of doing my own thing and it's time to come back to work already. At least I'm in a better mood than when I left last Friday. I was ready to tear anyone that even looked at me crosseyed last Friday, and I really hate being in that type of mood.
I somehow "frost" in front of a girl...

I recently noticed a nice blond girl working at a hotel near the place I work. Today was my last work day for this week and I had something to deliver there and the blonde was there. I walked up to her, gave her the pakage and... frost. I wanted to say something like : "Hey, you keep looking better every day." And then ask her out for a date in a subtile way... But I blocked like a friggin school boy.

Hah ! I'll be 25 next June, so I've been dating girls for about 10 years now, and it is the first time it ever happened to me. The worst part is that the girl in question was a former classmate from high school !

Hah ! Way to go, dumbass ! (The dumbass being myself, of course.)
A kindergarten (2-4 year old) near my house got death threats. My oldest son went there until very recently and my youngest will go there in a few years. One of the employees found a note on her desk. Even if it's a joke, what kind person would do such things?
Someone very dodgy walking past then telling me how much he likes my Golf GTi. He then started hanging around my front door and when I asked if he was ok he came out with some story about being in earlier on doing plastering. I asked him who sent him but he couldn't tell me so I politely told him he had the wrong house.

Something about him was very shifty indeed so I've warned all my housemates. Now I keep checking on my car as I'm worried he was scoping out the place (not that he'll be able to steal the Golf - won't even start at the moment!)
Still recovering from a weekend spent on a frozen lake doing some Ice fishing. The combination of slipping on ice and going out in and out of the cold and wind for two days took it's toll on my body this weekend. Thankfully I did not drink while out there otherwise I'd be in even worse shape. Caught some fish though, so that made up for the suffering I'm encountering now.

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