What Annoyed You Today?

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Went to a car club meet yesterday which you'd think would be great. Indeed it was at first, we enjoyed a spirited drive in the country even though I didn't have the fastest car there (mk.2 Golf Gti) it was still a good laugh.

That was until I ended up with a certain person behind me in a TVR. He would race up so he was almost touching my bumper, drop off then repeat. This was on a narrow country road I'd never driven and the weather was not great either so he was basically trying to bully me out the way. He then pushed past on a narrow stretch of road, I thought he was going to hit me so moved left and BANG. I hit something hard as it bent the alloy and the car now pulls badly to one side.

It doesn't end there though, I was stranded on my own in the middle of nowhere with a flat tyre. So I went to change it but thanks to the poor handbrake and rough ground my car then slipped off the jack damaging the front bumper. I finally managed to flag a couple of people down to help me get the car in the air again and limped 100 miles home.

Still not the end of things. As you can imagine I was rather annoyed so posted on the club about what happened and in a few hours all hell broke loose and it reached 36 pages! Basically, the TVR owner came on, claimed to be a Policeman and started making very public threats. Apparently I better watch out as he knows me and the car and I had better get used to being pulled over! This person had already shot himself in the foot by talking of driving at over 100 on said road and having a video of him doing doughnuts in a car park. I made it clear that if he carried out his threats I would be reporting him directly to the local Chief Constable

So I've now managed to have my car broken and made enemies with a copper all in the space of an afternoon! Car is in the garage at the moment as I await news of just how bad the damage is.............
I'd turn the phychotic bastard in anyway!!!
At the very least I would copy the content of that thread on your Clubs site so you have a hard copy of his threats, and the responses from others.
Cheers guys, I've spoken to the mechanic and he says there doesn't appear to be any suspension damage. As stupid as it sounds I'm prbably going to sell the car soon; not because I fear it may have become a Police magnet but the whole thing has really soured my ownership experience
Having issues with AnyVideoConverter... I've been using that program for months now to convert FLV files to AVI and never had any problem. Now that stupid utility just won't work...

I tried uninstalling and re-installing it, re-installing an earlier version, made an Ad-Aware/Spybot/Anti-Virus scan and even a scan disk and defragmentation (I suspected a HDD problem) and nothing came up. The friggin AVC will still crash whenever I try to play a movie in it or directly try to conver a file to an other format.

I then thought it could be a codec problem, but movies play fine in Windows Media Player.

And that program was working just fine less than two weeks ago. Go f*cking figure ! :rolleyes:

Anyone knows of an other (free) video converting tool that works ?
Morons that send thier Laptops in for repair and fail to send AC Adaptors and a working Laptop as requested!!! Hard to repair and test a laptop for power issues if you don't have anything to power it up with.
Watching the news and seeing that idiot Pelosi acting like a 15 year old at a Hannah Montana concert while Obama was speaking. Thought she was gonna jump on him.

I will be out of a job come next Friday. My place of work, Heymer Metal Industries, is closing down. Its that bad my boss could only to afford to pay us only half of our pay and we dont really know when he is going to get the rest of our money. So, working a week and not getting paid doesn't sound feasible to me, but I'm going to stick it out and see what happens. Since I am an apprentice, he has to find me a place to go and by the sounds of it 3 places around town will hire apprentices. Heres hoping.
More like frightened the hell out of me.... Two of my friends and one of their friends was in a car accident, where the driver of the other vehicle didn't see them, hit them with the trailer....
Had to cut them out of the car! Luckily they only suffered minor wounds like concussions and cuts....

Higher powers at work here me think!

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