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That's cr*p Jason! Truly sorry to here that mate! Here's to hoping that you'll just have to go from one to the other without hassle etc.!
My home PC...if I can be a bit non pc !....has gone t*ts up !. Just shut down...quit, just like that with no warning !.

Being big and brave, took the side panels off and lo', the cooling fan that sits on the chips isnt working...at all !.

Bl**dy big fan it is too...would'nt look out of place on the radiator of a big car !. Only problem is, I cant see whats holding it in place. I've undone the spring clip, but it wont budge at all. So, before I get the 'Tool, Multiple, Adjusting'.... (Big hammer !).... out of the box, I'm going to take it to work tommorrow and let some of the geeks loose on it, then a quick trip into town to hopefully get a replacement and back on line tommorrow eve.

In the meantime, I'm stuck using my 5 year old laptop that is so slow (I think it pre-dates steam power !) so dont have access to my pic library or any of my favourites. I am not a happy Teddy at the moment. :mad:

Mutter, mutter, mutter , mutter !:(
Good to hear you're friends are OK. I've been involved in two accidents where I'm sure a higher power was at work in keeping me alive. Sure makes one think.
This documentary on Germany fighters 'Scorched Earth'

These american guys taking a baseball bat to the tail of a 109 at wars end

Can't blame the soldiers still sad to see though
I did not get enough sleep, I feel like a zombie, I must go to bed earlier at night not a good idea to stay up so late.
Was planning on working on the guitar I'm building last night. Didn't happen, after a two hour hike after work I got home, took a shower and conked out in the recliner.
Drew blood again while working on the guitar build. Didn't even feel it, sliced the edge of my pinky finger off. Not too deep thankfully, but bled pretty good.
Also messed up the groove I routed in the back of the guitar, have to patch it up and try it on the other side.
I hate Microsoft and their worth nothing software. The laptop I have the windows do not want to put on the wi-fi and you can not get near the bloody settings. I will ask one of my technician friends to help me out and show me what this things problem is.
If it's a IBM Thinkpad then there is the chance it does not like a third party WiFi card. IBM like to do things like that, have to use thier hardware for it to work. There are work arounds depending on what type of Thinkpad it is, if it is a Thinkpad that is.
If it's a IBM Thinkpad then there is the chance it does not like a third party WiFi card. IBM like to do things like that, have to use thier hardware for it to work. There are work arounds depending on what type of Thinkpad it is, if it is a Thinkpad that is.

It is a Dell Vostro 1000 and it did pick the wifi up before, but all it's software had to be redone after my dad had a go at it and after that I can not get Windows to start it up again. My PS3 ask me a few basic questions and it was all done, but Microsoft think that you should first get a bloody degree and then work it. :mad:

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