What Annoyed You Today?

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What annoyed me today? Went to see Chiodos tonight in Birmingham, the tickets clearly had DOORS 6PM printed on them, So me and three friends turned up at the venue 6.15, got in the queue... and waited for an hour to get in because doors were actually at 7PM. It was just above freezing, we were all very cold and very p*ssed off by the time we got in. The show was brilliant though, it more than made up for the wait!
F**king brother doing something with the photos I took at Wigram's last airshow...Now I have to wait til he gets home from work til I can upload them
Last night I left my laundry basket in the laundry room while washing some jeans. I come back to find it gone. I sure as hell didn't misplace it, so somebody took it. It' a cheap five dollar thing, but I'm pissed nonetheless.
Feet and Achilles are acting up again this week. Have put in 11 miles at the indoor walking/running track so far this week and the track is killing my feet. Can't wait for the weather to warm up so I can start walking the trails in the woods again, much less wear and tear on the body.
not really pissed off, but my roomate and two of his friends were getting wasted in our room, drinking malt liquor, vodka and S@@@, and one of the guys looked like he was playing with himself. Don't really mind it, but it gets kind of irritating after a while, if anyone catches my drift.

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