What Annoyed You Today?

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We had a tax on alcohol here in Aus, but as of this morning, we don't anymore!!!!

... So you can now get drunk for a cheaper price to forget about the global economic situation.

Wish our provincial minister of finances had the same idea... Instead, she is rising the TVQ of 1% (from 7.5% to 8.5%)... A few years after Canadian prime minister Harper lowered the GST to 5%.

So now, whenever you buy something in a store over here, you'll have to pay (GST + TVQ) 13.5% taxes.

I think she's missing a major point : in order to force peoples to spend money during an econimic crisis, you gotta lower taxes... not raise them !

One more God damned good reason for me to mail order stuff.
Generally had a good time last night. Got drunk on the rums and coke and the tequila . Anyways I partied a little too hearty and fell thru a back windscreen on a holden gemini. I'm ok, the window isnt!
Very little sleep last night and can barely stay awake at work today, pllus it's given me a terrible headache. Teaches me to stay up until 1:00 pm working on guitar building. Tossed and turned for no apparant reason until 2:30 or so, then awake on and off the rest of the night.
Will be an early bedtime tonight, hopefully?
Over the course of the night, I some how (in my sleep) tweaked my left shoulder. This normally would not be an issue because of my high pain tolerance, combined with my almost exclusive use of the right side of my body, but even turning my neck the left hurts like heck.
Terrible weekend, not only did I think it would be a good idea to sand the knuckle on my right middle finger raw on my spindle sander, it also feels like a broke a bone in my left foot. Hurts like heck, can barely walk and haven't gotten much sleep for two nights in a row now. Off to the Doctor at Noon. Hopefully he gives me something for the pain to help sleep, I can tolerate the pain during the day, but it gets worse at night and keeps me awake for most of it. He's been reluctant lately to give out pain killers, so if not I guess it's a trip to the liquor store for a bottle of Dr. Daniels.
I know, Doctor has not been reluctant in giving out the painkillers over the last few years so the Jack Daniels will be a substitute of he doesn't give me something Two nights with very little sleep is starting to take it's toll on me.
I dislike taking pain killers as I do not like the feeling they give me, plus I am alergic to the good stuff (Vicoden), but I need something to help me stay asleep at night.

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