What Annoyed You Today?

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Having to reformat my desktop because of a virus. Bloody thing was stopping me logging onto my computer, thought I had it removed to, dammit - Windows repair failed on me and didn't fix the problem. Now in the process of backing up 200GB of data (using a spare HDD with clean XP on it) before wiping the drive and reinstalling XP + service packs + all my programs.

Oh well, been meaning to do a reinstall anyway at some point soon so it is just frustrating to have to do it now when I had better things to do finish my dissertation which is due in 3 weeks
My laptop got a virus over April break, and the Geek Squad had to restart everything to fix it. I lost all of my data. Wasn't the bad part, but now I can't connect to the internet in my dorm for the past two days, which is starting to p@@@ me off.
Waking up early because of the noise the construction workers are making outside/on top of my dorm. To top it off, they're supposed to start at 8 AM, yet they have been starting at 7:15 AM for the last week. This is also frustrating because they told the Vice President of our school that they would adhere to the 8 AM thing after the first time our dorm members complained.
The drummer and one of my best friends of the band I manage injured his right foot and now he can not play double base at all and will be out of action for 6 weeks. They were suppose to record the 22 May and now it is moved to the 5 of May, but I do not know if it will be enough time for hims to get ready.
Neighbor must have put down lawn fertilizer yeasterday. Was working in the back yard and it hit me all of a sudden, throat starts tightening and gets hard to breathe. Still feeling the effects of it today. I hate that stuff, it's even worse if it's still in the bag and I go into a garage or store that has it. I can tell almost immediately the stuff is around.

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