What Annoyed You Today?

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Sorry to hear that Mac.

Yeah Buck and I'm getting tired of it. In the last 5 years I've had one landlord pass away, 2 that sold the house and now this one wanting crazy rent.
My summer is shot. My landlord just told me that when the lease is renewed in Sept., the rent is going up 75%!

What ? You don't have a gouvernmental office to complain to ? In my province, any raise in rent that is over 5% (by year) is considerred illegal (unless the landlord has some damned good reasons). Although it doesn't concern new rents. (For example, if Mr. X leave an appartment he paid $100 a month, the landlord could raise the rent as much as he want for Mr. Y. But if Mr. X renew his rent, he can't be asked to pay more than $105 a month for the next year... Unless the landlord has a good reason (i.e. something expensive to repair) but even though, the raise can't be too brutal.)
I don't think so. And I really can't be mad at him. I live in the middle of a college town and the going rate for what I have - 5bdrm apt. - is more in line with what he's asking. I've been skating along. He's looking to get college kids in here with higher rent than me but its a trade-off. College kids or stable rentor - he decides.
Achilles is A-Killing me again today. Felt good for a few days, but now the pain has come back with a vengeance. Nothing I can't tolerate, it's just tiresome. The injury that never heals.
Looks like I'll have to get more dilligent on doing my stretches and stregthening exercises. I'm terrible about being consistant on those things.
Me too Chris, that's disgraceful! I may be naiave, and the laws are different in the UK, but is your ladlord allowed to do that?! It's a heck of an increase!! I hope you're able to get something sorted, as I really do know what it's like, having been divorced myself, and trying to find somewhere decent, and affordable, to live.
Keeping my figers crossed for you mate.
Life in general!!! Rush hour traffic this morning really set the mood for the rest of the day. Coming down with a cold the week before I am taking a couple days off for Turkey hunting contributes to the poor mood I have today. Bad Ankles are getting the best of me as well.
And to top it off the brand new Longbow I received two weeks ago blew up in my hands over the weekend. Did not even get to full draw and it split in half right above where the arrow sits. Wood failure from the looks of it. Made a God awful sound but thankfully I was not hurt, which is not the case with some other I've heard of having a bow blow up in thier hands. At least it is under warranty and the guy that build it is already working on a replacement for me.
Back to being a crabby bastard again, probably won't see me posting again today.
One of my life long frineds is in town and we planned to hit the big aircraft museum at Dulles and hang out until his flight leaves this afternoon(I'm not even going to try and spell i the real museum name this morning) and once again the damn kidney stone is back and has me laid up...Never plan anything- I am never going to learn.....

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