What Annoyed You Today?

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Another special day. The estimate for the roof is $13,000. I was thinking it would be ten. The home generator my wife had to get another 13, 000. She wants me to take the money at of my IRA to pay for it. This is the little money I saved before we got married. I already spent 30000 of it in 9 years. She thinks it is our money. Mean while she makes about twice as I do and owns land and a house in another city. She lets relatives live there for free while I spend almost all of my check on the house note. What a deal I got. Since she retiring next year she will not spend any money except on the home generator because she has to save money. I been telling her that for 10 years. She a little slow. I could not get her to put our money into anything except her checking account that paid her 1% until last fall. Her pension will be a lot more than monthly pay. Gggrrrr. Waiting in insurance to get back to us about the roof. Hope they don't cancel us.

I am really complaining about the computer being down since noon and we cannot do any work. Since it is a state office, we cannot close and go home. Sitting at my desk trying to stay awake but the pain from the dental imply is keeping me awake. Always look at the bright side of life....
I'm a electronic engineer student at college (long story, i'm 26 and a long way from graduation) and i intern at the electronics lab ( i clean the labs, prep the benches, fill ever tray assigned to each team with the electronic components to be used in that class, etc)
I got another guy, who simply stopped coming in one day.
Fair enough, its not a lot of cash, there isnt a lot of control and they dont really care as long as you are in the lab when there's a class happening so that you can open the classroom and mantain order lest the professor and his students decide to plunder the electronics cabinet without authorization or someone blows up a 5 thousand dollar osciloscope.

I got a bad knee cap, it hurts like hell so i come late or sometimes i warn my superior that i can't come and he understands it, i don't like snitching on someone if it aint bothering me directly.
Guess what? Dude who stopped coming has the balls to call me out to my boss, claims it`s me who isn't going to work, i get very mad, i was threatened with being dismissed, and if that happens i couldn't afford my rent and continue my degree.
So i go to work, spent the past weeks befriendly the cleaning staff, treating them like humans, learning their names, offering them unlimited access to my microwave, fridge and water cooler in my lab office.
Then i started asking about if they saw the guy, if he`s coming, etc.
I got enough evidence to prove he wasn't going and with witnesses to boot.
So today the professor calls me out again, i casually mention the lab is getting tough to take care of it, he mentions i should ask the guy to help me out, etc, i use the fact he brought him up to mention everything, i even provide names of the cleaning staff that could back me up, etc.
He looks shocked and angry, starts messaging the guy, i go back to work, 20 minutes before my shift ends and the Mfcker is supposed to come, he enters, pale as a ghost and very worried.
I pretend nothing has happened, so i end my shift and go home, on the way back i pass my boss's office and ask what happend, he said he didn't use my name, but he screamed at him about it.

This has not ended obviously he will try to start things again, i don`t know why he has such a hard on for me, but i don't care, if you try to be nice and polite, people will usually see it as a weakness and exploit it,

It's a sad statement, but it's true in my case.
I'm a electronic engineer student at college (long story, i'm 26 and a long way from graduation) and i intern at the electronics lab ( i clean the labs, prep the benches, fill ever tray assigned to each team with the electronic components to be used in that class, etc)
I got another guy, who simply stopped coming in one day.
Fair enough, its not a lot of cash, there isnt a lot of control and they dont really care as long as you are in the lab when there's a class happening so that you can open the classroom and mantain order lest the professor and his students decide to plunder the electronics cabinet without authorization or someone blows up a 5 thousand dollar osciloscope.

I got a bad knee cap, it hurts like hell so i come late or sometimes i warn my superior that i can't come and he understands it, i don't like snitching on someone if it aint bothering me directly.
Guess what? Dude who stopped coming has the balls to call me out to my boss, claims it`s me who isn't going to work, i get very mad, i was threatened with being dismissed, and if that happens i couldn't afford my rent and continue my degree.
So i go to work, spent the past weeks befriendly the cleaning staff, treating them like humans, learning their names, offering them unlimited access to my microwave, fridge and water cooler in my lab office.
Then i started asking about if they saw the guy, if he`s coming, etc.
I got enough evidence to prove he wasn't going and with witnesses to boot.
So today the professor calls me out again, i casually mention the lab is getting tough to take care of it, he mentions i should ask the guy to help me out, etc, i use the fact he brought him up to mention everything, i even provide names of the cleaning staff that could back me up, etc.
He looks shocked and angry, starts messaging the guy, i go back to work, 20 minutes before my shift ends and the Mfcker is supposed to come, he enters, pale as a ghost and very worried.
I pretend nothing has happened, so i end my shift and go home, on the way back i pass my boss's office and ask what happend, he said he didn't use my name, but he screamed at him about it.

This has not ended obviously he will try to start things again, i don`t know why he has such a hard on for me, but i don't care, if you try to be nice and polite, people will usually see it as a weakness and exploit it,

It's a sad statement, but it's true in my case.
Unfortunately that is not an uncommon occurrence.
They are revising our local Walmart, replacing the flooring with just polished concrete and rearranging the almost everything. Things there are in disarray and also they are no longer selling paper towels, toilet paper, home cleaning supplies, fruit juices, and probably a lot of other stuff I have not tried to find yet. And a great many things are no longer where they used to be. It's no longer a quick shopping trip; it's a recon mission.
They are revising our local Walmart, replacing the flooring with just polished concrete and rearranging the almost everything. Things there are in disarray and also they are no longer selling paper towels, toilet paper, home cleaning supplies, fruit juices, and probably a lot of other stuff I have not tried to find yet. And a great many things are no longer where they used to be. It's no longer a quick shopping trip; it's a recon mission.
Item I listed on that auction site that starts with the letter E over a day ago still isn't lister after 24 hours. What should be a 7 day auction has turned into a less than 6 day auction.
They are revising our local Walmart, replacing the flooring with just polished concrete and rearranging the almost everything. Things there are in disarray and also they are no longer selling paper towels, toilet paper, home cleaning supplies, fruit juices, and probably a lot of other stuff I have not tried to find yet. And a great many things are no longer where they used to be. It's no longer a quick shopping trip; it's a recon mission.

The good old rearrange the place so people make more impulse purchases
The good old rearrange the place so people make more impulse purchases
No, what they are doing now is not the usual "move the frozen burritos to a different freezer so that people will have to look around" but rather "get rid of whole aisles so that people will be bewildered." I went to Publix today to buy fruit juice.
Having to talk to to this woman and listen to her false platitudes. It's hurtful and a waste of time. On bright side, morning PD was very insightful. Tomorrow it's a building PD and in the afternoon Principal K is taking everyone to the bowling alley for beverages and pizza. Friday he's letting us leave early at noon. First time I will be leaving work early on a Friday before the holiday here. It hasn't happened ever in 12 years.
Now I what they mean by hot as Wadewitz. No air. One broken window that is taped shut. The other two open and have no screens . All flying critters welcome to come in to Mr. Hess's classroom. I am going to invest in some fans.
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Now I what they mean by hot as Wadewitz. No air. One broken window that is taped shut. The other two open and have no screens . All flying critters welcome to come in to Mr. Hess's classroom. I am going to invest in some fans.
If you don't mind spending a bit more than walmart specials, look at Rowenta fans....nearly silent, even at full speed.
Turned off what little air they had and now it's absolutely hot, sweaty, perfect for meeting parents for open house, yay!!!!!
Wife woke me up a while ago to tell me the oldest's hospital bed is broke...Somehow the pin came out of the actuator for the head end and bent up the yoke that attaches it to that section of the bed. Going to have to flip it on it's side tomorrow and do some metalwork to make it run again. 2nd night in a row that I'm going to work on less than 4 hours of sleep.
The irresponsibility of my adulterous half leaving dangerous things out when we have a 12 and 8 year old.

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