What Annoyed You Today?

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Company knows driving haul truck destroys my back, cancer in the lower spine. They put me on truck for 3 straight nights. The hauls roads are god awful as it has rained for a week. Yesterday I fired back with an F.U. mofos, you have my two weeks notice. I don't need pain
WOW George! Drastic move, but man you have to do what you have to do and I'm so saddened at you lower spine diagnosis. Having had a fracture in the lumber and tail area and then a collapsed disk in the lumber region I really feel for you. If you elect to or are already having treatment, my thought are with you. :lol:
I have gotten very tired of discovering again and again that a "software upgrade" is in fact a downgrade.

Firefox kept telling me to download an update, and I resisted. Finally I had to do a hard reboot after the thing froze and they snuck it in that way. Well, sure enough, not only does the program take even longer to load up now, but the first page presents as absolute blank. So you have to wait until you can go to the second page in order to get the standard preloaded website links.

And now Firefox says it is time for ANOTHER upgrade.
GOtta keep those code writers employed.
Read of one IT specialist who said he would get everything running fine and then some supervisor would walk in and demand to know why he was not doing anything but reading a computer magazine or manual. No doubt that kind of thing results in much needless "improvement." I recall one O-6 telling our O-5 to "keep them busy" and we were engineers who already had quite enough to do, thank you, even when someone had not just crashed an F-105 or F-111.
Read of one IT specialist who said he would get everything running fine and then some supervisor would walk in and demand to know why he was not doing anything but reading a computer magazine or manual. No doubt that kind of thing results in much needless "improvement." I recall one O-6 telling our O-5 to "keep them busy" and we were engineers who already had quite enough to do, thank you, even when someone had not just crashed an F-105 or F-111.
Had an old Fire Chief many years ago that had a bug about "productivity".
It's a fire dept.
We put out fires.
The only way to be more productive is for the citizens to have more fires. :rolleyes:
I have gotten very tired of discovering again and again that a "software upgrade" is in fact a downgrade.

Firefox kept telling me to download an update, and I resisted. Finally I had to do a hard reboot after the thing froze and they snuck it in that way. Well, sure enough, not only does the program take even longer to load up now, but the first page presents as absolute blank. So you have to wait until you can go to the second page in order to get the standard preloaded website links.

And now Firefox says it is time for ANOTHER upgrade.
I have never had to do sooooooo many updates to Firefox and Microsoft since I updated to Windows 11, sometimes three times a day. And like you I put off the updates until my machine locks up
When I was a Pencil drafter, way before CAD, I had a supervisor who liked to look over what we all were doing nd Catch us out on something minor. I was on the right side of the isle, so I used to do something a bit sloppy on the top left of what I was working on, just a little whoopsie. He'd announce I should be more careful just loud enough for the others 6 could hear. As he walked on in unison "Geezus Davidson, can't you do Anything right"? We would all snicker as he walked into his office with a smile he caught me out AGAIN!!!!!!!

I used to run the blueprinter for the team. He didn't like the way I folded E size prints, "You flip them around too much"! I do it cuz they are flatter when folded" and That was not good enough. I challenged him to a race!!!!!!! He never complained again.

I have never had to do sooooooo many updates to Firefox and Microsoft since I updated to Windows 11, sometimes three times a day. And like you I put off the updates until my machine locks up

my Firefox is very stable because just after I "upgraded" from Win7 to Win10 an update wiped all except my C drive. Fortunately the old box still had not been junked so I was able to recover all except one drive where I must have moved rather than copied the data from the old box.

I upgraded the new box to Windows 7 and have had no issues since - and I made the old box my backup also running win7. Both boxes now have 10 hard drives ranging from 250gb for the C drives to 4tb for most of the hard drives. D and E on the working box are 1tb SSDs for rapid graphics manipulation but old style on the backup. My next upgrade will be an Apple.
This is the second news item in three days on household appliances spying on people. And manufacturers and software companies can't understand why people do not trust them.



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