What Annoyed You Today?

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A few days ago I wrote of vacuums that were spying on people.

I do not know if this should be what annoyed me today or what cheered me up today. I WILL call it self inflicted mental injuries tho.

Slipped in some water some kid split in the hallway and I fell on my bad knee. I tried to move around a little bit, but it's bothering me. Very irritated about the whole thing. They will make me go to the doctor and there will be nothing they can do about it (like when I fell off the table last year in class from a foot up). Then the adulterous one comes over here because her mom is mad at her about the whole situation, like I am responsible for her mom. No wonder my blood pressure is up.
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Microsoft annoyed me with their 2024H2 update. They made Microsoft Recall tightly linked to Explorer, so you cannot turn it off anymore. Another nail in the privacy and security coffin of windows. I just cannot say that I don't want all that AI sh!t and I certainly don't want screenshots to be taken without my consent.
Luckily I run Linux at home, so private stays private there.
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Microsoft annoyed me with their 2024H2 update. They made Microsoft Recall tightly linked to Explorer, so you cannot turn it off anymore. Another nail in the privacy and security coffin of windows. I just cannot say that I don't want all that AI sh!t and I certainly don't want screenshots to be taken without my consent.
Luckily I run Linux at home, so private stays private there.
Its a opt in now, isnt it. And one can disable.

That said i agee. Data hungry snooping peeping toms.

Windows is becomming a lock smith while boasting privicy, activly makes tools to harvest even very private stuff as passwords or sites you visit. And the sell or use your data to financial benifit for them. Make no mistake about that.
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Yes, but you cannot uninstall it. It's now a required dependency for the file explorer, which is interesting as it wasn't a requirement before. One wonders what MS intends to do there.
Indeed. I have a healthy distrust of all ms products since win 3.1.
And opting out in a button is not really stopping the program as i am sure you know.

Fine print is a bitch.
One can opt out but opt in again with another function that one can click not really knowing it triggers said function.
Indeed. I have a healthy distrust of all ms products since win 3.1.
And opting out in a button is not really stopping the program as i am sure you know.

Fine print is a bitch.
One can opt out but opt in again with another function that one can click not really knowing it triggers said function.
Agreed, that's why I have been building my own Linux distro for the last 10 years or so. I have full control there.
Unfortunately i do need windows sometimes and at work they went full in with Microsoft, so I have to use it there.
Yes, but you cannot uninstall it. It's now a required dependency for the file explorer, which is interesting as it wasn't a requirement before. One wonders what MS intends to do there.

Probably the same as Google did on Android where you could theoretically turn of tracking but in reality it was always on.
Watching my wife deal with her mother's estate. In spite of all of her property and investments being in trust, the banks and insurance companies are acting like none of that exists. So my wife can't access the funds to pay the bills or make any sort of transactions. She's been dealing with this for months now, spending hours on the phone, appointments with the various entities, being told " Yes, everything is in order." Then getting letters saying "No. Transaction denied."
Watching my wife deal with her mother's estate. In spite of all of her property and investments being in trust, the banks and insurance companies are acting like none of that exists. So my wife can't access the funds to pay the bills or make any sort of transactions. She's been dealing with this for months now, spending hours on the phone, appointments with the various entities, being told " Yes, everything is in order." Then getting letters saying "No. Transaction denied."
Is there a state regulatory agency that might help? Hit the banks and insurance companies with paperwork.
Nah, last Thursday was supposed to get a delivery of styrene shapes for my Hurricane launch track
Nada Thurs, nada Fri.......................!

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