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Ummmm.... an eclectic choice of offensive issues there old chap :)

We are having a peaceful family night in, the heating is on, the Labrador's snoring and the forecast zephyr whistles around an Englishman's castle :)
No coffee; zoning out after a busy night at work greasing main landing gear then driving home for an hour through pouring rain... I stink of Grease 33 - sleeping in the spare room tonite. :(
Sitting at work, just poured a cup of coffee and am trying to figure out why a system board from a Sun Microsystem Server keeps failing. Power up for 30-45 seconds, then shuts down. Frustrating!!!
Sitting at work, just poured a cup of coffee and am trying to figure out why a system board from a Sun Microsystem Server keeps failing. Power up for 30-45 seconds, then shuts down. Frustrating!!!
lol...sounds almost like an electrolytic Cap has taken a dump...

This day and age, they use the cheapest POS Caps on equipment and those are usually the first thing to go. I've repaired quite a few boards with a new .75 cent Cap from DigiKey, saving a hundred dollars or so :lol:
lol...sounds almost like an electrolytic Cap has taken a dump...

This day and age, they use the cheapest POS Caps on equipment and those are usually the first thing to go. I've repaired quite a few boards with a new .75 cent Cap from DigiKey, saving a hundred dollars or so :lol:

I agree, but there are many caps on the board, and several BGA (Ball Grid Array) chips on the board so between the two it is getting frustrating. I've heated the board in our specialized oven for re-flowing the BGA, but have made it worse. Hit or miss with those ovens. I may have overcooked a cap or two so maybe they will stand out now? Time time to go over it again with the multi-meter.
Ahh bummer...hopefully you can get it figured out!

In my case, when a board goes, first thing I do is eyeball it for a bulging cap :lol:

Yep, but the caps on this board are those little metal ones that generally do not bulge, they just stop working properly. Plus there are about 50 million little caps and resistors on both the top and bottom of the board. Every chip seems to have something to do with powering the system on as well. Without a schematic I'm afraid I'm lost on this one.
Time for the dynomite.
Hang the bastard from a tree limb and work it over with a firearm of your choice! :evil4:

They kinda frown upon that at work, and within the city limits as well.

So far have found 4 capacitors shorted straight to ground. removed 2 and the circuit board itself is shorted to ground. Need to remove the other 2 and see if the shortages go away. I suspect the BGA chip not too far away from them is the cause. Not much I can do in that case.

Have a good night out Jan.

Its a miserable night here ( and that's just me as usual). All tucked up at home, planning the next jobs sheets.

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