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T-stoff? What is the domestic version difference from C-stoff? :lol:

The T-stoff is a liquid of of yellowish or amber tinge although the brownish sub-type is better sometimes. The C-stoff is a clear liquid being a basis of many different in voltage tipples.
The mixture of the T-stoff and the C-stoff is explosive highly, especially for women. Usually it is used for drugging of them.
What am I doing now? Nothing other than looking forward to my trip to RAF Scampton on Monday. I can hear that Dambusters theme tune in my head now.

Cheers Chris
Yeah I've heard that they will turn Scampton into a heritage site and keep the museum etc.
I hope that Lincolnshire council follow through with the plans. Will be sure to take lots of photographs where permitted anyway.

Cheers Chris
House maintaince re-staining the roof of the porch and then re-apply some chaulking on some floor tiles on a repair acouple weeks back.

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