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I'm offended that you would say hello to Obama and Cameron.
Now I'm offended that I'm offended!
Where do I go to report that?!?
Now I'm offended that I don't know the answer!

I am deeply offended that that I didn't get a 'hello' from GCHQ or the American secret service.
Am I am not good enough to spy on?
That alone is offensive let alone the offence I could take if they did...

AND I am offended that you do not know the answer to resolve your offended feelings.... I could say that if you have been offended, as a forum chum, then I am offended too.
This forum is offensive, UN is offensive, EU is offensive, PC is offensive, the whole.....naaaah, f*ck it, I'll have another beer, then again, Budweiser and Miller is offensive! :lol:

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