What are you doing today?

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Babysitting basically. Students are here, but it's free time today and tomorrow.
After a 2 1/2 year disagreement with the local zoning board I finally got the permit to build my tall 24'X24' detached garage!!! The contractor dug the footings yesterday and should be able to pour the 1st cement later this week! 🎇🎆
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Grocery shopping. Been to Smart & Final, Vons, and Walmart is the final stop for the day. had to buy perishables at each store so no going to all of them without coming home in between.

My Mom had a couple large ice chests she used to store perishables in when we drove into town to do shopping.

Worked pretty good, too.
Playing my guitar creating music that no one will ever hear. I have the first verse for one named "The Girl I Left Behind". Don't confuse it with the girl i left behind me please.
"The Girl I Left Behind"
Sing me a sad song about the girl that I did wrong
Sing me a sad song so that I can cry all of the night long
She was like no other, she was one of a kind
I can go on searching, no other shall I find
Sing me a sad song about the girl I left behind
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My Mom had a couple large ice chests she used to store perishables in when we drove into town to do shopping.
I have done that but I tend to run out of room in the back of our SUV with the amount of groceries I buy during those marathon sessions. All of the stores I shop are within 5 miles of the house so it is merely a nuisance and not much of an inconvenience having to go home after each store. If the stores were farther away from our house I would need to figure something out though.

Finished applying decals to an aircraft that is going to be a birthday present. It was up there with the other 50 or so 1/72 Japanese aircraft I have all waiting a polish and decals. I figured she would like it. I decided to use my Techmod Hinomaru decals. Not very impressed.
Finished applying decals to an aircraft that is going to be a birthday present. It was up there with the other 50 or so 1/72 Japanese aircraft I have all waiting a polish and decals. I figured she would like it. I decided to use my Techmod Hinomaru decals. Not very impressed.
that's a shame, i have found Tecmod ok, they are very thin but with care i have had no problems
I have to get my Wife's Dodge Magnum Cleaned up for the Eyes on Design car show tomorrow. She is pretty exited about it. I just drove 13 hours home yesterday from Mississippi, so I don't feel like it, but it has to be done. And the day I left for the install in Miss. the city finally approved my permit for the detached 2 car garage after a 2 1/2 year sometimes a little heated discussion about it. So the contractor has poured the concrete slab, and extended the drive way. So the yards a mess but Progress.
Finished up changing the power steering pump on the wife's van. Ordered the parts on Monday morning, supposed to be here Tuesday night....They don't show til Thursday night. Started on it Friday morning after work, had everything ready, but the bottom center bolt, and I couldn't get the tensioner to release. Couldn't find my long tensioner tool, so picked up another one while out on pharmacy runs. Got back on it this morning and promptly dropped the tool extension with the socket on it, where I couldn't get to it til I had the van back running....GRRRRRRRR.... Managed to finally get the tensioner to release, but in the process got a finger caught between the wrench and something. Took a while for the big dent in it to go away. Got it finished, foamed the reservoir pretty bad in the process. Waiting on the residue to quit draining so I can wash that part of the engine bay down and finish cleaning up. One smashed finger, torn back of a hand and a huge bruise on a forearm was the medical drill for this one, usually it's not this bad. 🤬

Done with outside projects for the day, Antique Airplane Association meeting in a couple hours, so going to do a little inside stuff before heading off to that.

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