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Visited the USS Constitution


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Getting ready to put the kits away and ready for first day back at school with useless PD that could be done at home.
Cooked dinner for my kids and me. Watched Chicago fry some fish. Then went on a nice 50 minute walk and came home as sun was setting. Now sitting outside for a little bit as sun goes completely down. Then back in to spend more time with my children.
That 45 minute followed by a 25 minute an hour later was rough. Humidity was pretty bad. It's supposed to be really humid tomorrow, so I might take a pass.
Wish I was handy enough to do stuff like that, I'm jealous.
Well, I have picked up a variety of skills over the years, but honestly, I wish I had the money to pay someone to do this.

I'm too old and broken to be doing this shit. :grimacing:

Meanwhile, progress was delayed by a storm iver the weekend that even brought snow to the local mountains.

Back at it though, got the blocking in as well as the 2x4s for the subroof, which should get tackled in a day or so.
Then the siding and door is next.

Pic was taken just now for this progress report.

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