What Are You Driving ??

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My truck, the 710M, can carry 8 people in back with one more passenger up front to total 10. The 712M, the one with six wheels, carries 12 in the back and 2 up front to total 14.
That sucks Dan - too bad we're miles away, I have a Civic I'm going to sell here soon. neededs a timing belt but runs good.

Night Fighter Nut - I've seen your truck!!!!

I just bought a new hack for the 150 mile a day commute i do...


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NF nut : bitchin rig man luv it ! that would be great in our snowy back country to get me to places unseeen.

Dan get yourself a sweet bike man, yeah you can't pack much but big deal, other than that get a mini-cooper
Night Fighter Nut - I've seen your truck!!!!

If you're associated with the Rocky Mountain Regional Fly-in, you probably did. I use to drive people from the parking lot to the front gate for a number of years as well as driving for KOSI-101 for a few years during the St. Patrick's Day Parade.
Is it called
the Cortina in New Zealand, or the Taunus?

Cortina. Not sure if it was ever sold in the USA but as far as I'm aware it was the Taunus in Europe and the Cortina everywhere else. I've actually sold it now, put it on an auction site, paid extra for all the fancy bits as I needed it shifted and it sold within 40 minutes!

I now have a Nissan Vanette, which is my 6th car this year and hopefully I'll be doing a big NZ road trip in it
Just brought home this old 1978 Monza 2+2. At first it was a great deal at $500 but after some mis-adventures with an out of town garage...I'm into it for much more.
Anyhow, I'm hoping it'll be a good commuter for my oldest. My wife's grandmother bought it new and kept it till she passed away and I got it from our uncle, so 2 owners in 32 years and 97,000 miles is not bad.

It has some rust on the body and I think some of the window seals may be dry-rotted. But the old gal ran 450 miles yesterday on the Interstate to make it home so I think the carb rebuild must have worked.
224k? Nicely done!

Only a couple breakdowns so far, cross my fingers. Fuel pump went out, blew one spark plug that too the threads out so needed a heli-coil inserted, one bad alternator, and a mass flow air sensor and two oxygen sensors went out. Not too bad for a vehicle with that many miles on it I guess, I've had on cars with much less miles on them.
It's does like to eat tires at a fast rate though, every two years it seems I'm putting a new set on.

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