What Cheered You Up Today?

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I am very glad for you heinz, give my congrats to your aunty!

Today is friday and I just finished work 1/2hr ago and its a long weekend in celebration of Australia day! god I am glad I am an aussie
Having friends over for dinner today and I am steaming Lobster, Alaskan King Crab Legs, and Shrimp as well as frying Squid, Shrimp, Clams, and Fish and we are also having Muscles in White Wine Sauce.

To go with it we are having Cole Slaw, Garlic Bread and Chips (French Fries).

Cant wait!

Lobster, frying Squid, muscles, Cole slaw and the Garlic bread really sounds nice now, but I wish I could eat crab, shrimp and prawns, but me a bit allergic for them .

Having power the whole weekend, but I also know they will be cutting the power three times tomorrow.

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