The caller told me my e-bay user name, asked me to confirm my own name, and asked me to confirm my Paypal e-mail address, but didn't ask for any other 'security' related information, or bank details etc.
I was told the sum would be credited to my Paypal account (I don't deposit funds in this A/C, I use a Debit card instead), and that an e-mail, confirming my win, would be sent to me, which it was.
The e-mail details, header, logos, security info and postal address all check out.
As no personal details were asked for, or given, I can't see any scam and, unless someone has a really bent sense of humour, I can't see a reason to contact me to inform me of a win, unless I have won.
I'll be contacting e-bay tomorrow, to double check though, as no credit has been made to the PP account yet.