What Cheered You Up Today? (2 Viewers)

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Taking tomorrow and Friday off from work. Taking the almost new Browning 725 over-under shotgun I bought nearly 1.5 years ago to the range for the first time and blast some clay pigeons. Also throwing in a couple handguns to put some holes in paper. Then going to head to the archery range with the Longbow and fling some arrows into hay bails.
Friday heading to a big outdoor Gun Show up in Central Minnesota. Bunch of different gun manufacturers will be there letting you shoot their stuff for free (cover charge to get in). Going to try to make it out of the show without spending anything, wish me luck.
Too bad the targets aren't Russian soldiers.
Bye bye Civilian life, it's been real! I finally got the call I've been awaiting for MONTHS, but I'm happy to announce that Ive been accepted to return to service in the United States Army. After struggling with this decision for months I have made the decision that it would be a better place for me and my career goals. I Didn't really wanna make it known to anyone until I was sure. I felt it was better this way! I will be heading out this coming month, right after a refresher Boot Camp to start my new life and new beginning. I would've tried to text everyone individually, but I thought it would be easier to post on here. Especially because this isn't real and you other vets should post it as your status and see how many people actually read stuff till the end... lol

Wow! Best of luck, Chris. Hope you can find yourself a nice, deep, safe foxhole with a few trusted buddies...if you have that, you can survive anything in the military (but you know this).

Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers as you embark on this new adventure.
What I remember most fondly is the noon inspection by the post commander.
Our squad leaders got us up at 4 AM to be ready for the platoon inspection at 6, followed by the company inspection at 8, then the battalion inspection at 10. Then standing at parade rest until it was announced that the general had another appointment, and the inspection was cancelled.
You are right again, Chris. No one reads the end. That's why there is so much confusion in the discussions on the forum. Until I got to the punch line, I couldn't figure why you were trying to buy a house if you were re upping. A very good snow job.
The Army just wanted to find out if you can guys could 'stand' them.
Especially because this isn't real and you other vets should post it as your status and see how many people actually read stuff till the end... lol

It pays to read the whole post. Read a contract the way the post was read and you'll be agreeing who knows what.

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