What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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He marched graduation parade today. Will post pics tonight. What a morning, the ceremony took me back to my own graduation from USAF Basic.
I got to see my second oldest do that in 2017. Covid screwed graduation ceremonies at the Naval Academy in 2020, but I got to pin my oldest son's butter bar after the video ceremony.
Cheers to you, proud father!
Finally going to visit the USAF Museum at Wright-Patterson. Always wanted to.

We were supposed to be going to Germany in July, but we are now going over Christmas and New Years. That freed up some time over the summer. So in June we are going to Kentucky to take the kids camping at Mammoth Springs National Park. Then, the 1st week in August we will drive to Columbus, Ohio to take the kids to the Columbus Zoo. My kid really wants to see a Tasmanian Devil . We have to drive right past the museum to get there so might as well knock it off the bucket list.
Understand that if you only take one day there at Wright-Patt, you won't see it all very well. It's become so large that it takes a couple of days to see it all.
Having been to USN museum Pensacola several times, one past father's day, my youngest daughter and my wife took me and said, "You can have the whole day." On previous trips there was not enough time to read all the signs and plaques, so I was reading all the info when they called down from the second floor, "Are you going to stand there all day?" I still haven't seen everything.

Yeah, when I have the wife and kids with me, its never a super detailed visit. I've been to some of the world's largest aviation museums, Smithsonian in Washington DC (both locations), US Naval Museum in Pensacola, Luftwaffe Museum, Pacific Aviation Museum, RAF Museum Hendon, and the only one I got to take my time was the RAF Museum.
If in the Houston area, take the time to drive over the Galveston and Sea Wolf Park. The submarine there has a place in history.

USS Cavalla (SS/SSK/AGSS-244), a Gato-class submarine, is a submarine of the United States Navy named for a salt water fish, best known for sinking the Japanese aircraft carrier Shōkaku.
Go early and get the tour of the restoration hanger and x planes. Two days to see everything. Enjoy.
If I have time I might take my oldest to see U-505 in Chicago in 2 weeks. I am taking him to the Field Museum to see the dinosaur fossils (his two favorite things are dinosaurs and history - at the moment WW1 and WW2). If we have time after the dinosaurs we will go see the boat.

Its an amazing exhibit by the way. I've gone and seen it a few times now. And while you are at it, go see one of two currently (there is a third being fully restored) existing Ju 87s which is at the same museum.


Wow, that building must have some pretty big doors!

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