What Cheered You Up Today?

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Put a new bicycle on layaway last night. Wasn't able to bring it home last night as the truck bed was full, plus the fact I've been dealing with a foot injury the last couple weeks, so I wouldn't be able to ride it much until that gets better.
Looking forward to doing something other than going for a walk/hike to get my exercise.
Came home from open house and went for a walk with my kid. She was pretty stressed, so we made it an hour walk. She feels better. Three of the Four horsemen of the Apocalypse came in and I met their parents. They all told me their boys can be bad. I said that was fine, because I can be a real d***. They told me their kids need that and that it's the first time they have seen a male Hispanic dual language. I said yes, they are rare like my hair. I had 16 of 19 parents come in and about 8 of the 22 fifth grade parents come in. It was a great turnout despite the excessive heat in the room.

Including 25 days holiday.
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