1st Lieutenant
Wife came and took my kids to the pig's house. This made me hot, but no court date yet. I have been taking a walk in the evenings to ease my stress and usually take one of the kids. Well, the adulterous spouse decided to hang onto the kids to spite me (as all but one wanted to come home) and I was late going on my walk. I decided to watch the last out of the Kittens at Chicago game and then head out. I went north instead of south and always walk around my neighborhood, which is pretty safe. I decided to head back early and as I was, police cars come racing by the street. It turns out some guy and his wife were on the porch when some guy came up to them, and shot the guy in the throat. I always walk that way or around that block almost every other evening. If I had headed that way, I would have right in the middle of that. So, this makes me happy to be breathing and adulterous spouse had me take the kids right home as soon as she heard about the shooting. Tonight the story had a happy ending.
Seeing she sent the kids home that proves she does not give a sh*t about their safety and seeing she stayed away that means she only cares about herself. Should be useful in court.
IF you are lucky you will not see her now until then.
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