What Cheered You Up Today?

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Put a new bicycle on layaway last night. Wasn't able to bring it home last night as the truck bed was full, plus the fact I've been dealing with a foot injury the last couple weeks, so I wouldn't be able to ride it much until that gets better.
Looking forward to doing something other than going for a walk/hike to get my exercise.
Came home from open house and went for a walk with my kid. She was pretty stressed, so we made it an hour walk. She feels better. Three of the Four horsemen of the Apocalypse came in and I met their parents. They all told me their boys can be bad. I said that was fine, because I can be a real d***. They told me their kids need that and that it's the first time they have seen a male Hispanic dual language. I said yes, they are rare like my hair. I had 16 of 19 parents come in and about 8 of the 22 fifth grade parents come in. It was a great turnout despite the excessive heat in the room.
I did 350 hours in the gym according to the app.
I train hard. Quite hard.
For some reason i can not leave behind the young days just yet.
Not as fast as i used to be but still strong.
Cant help myself although i am not 30 anymore.
Getting up at 06:30 hitting the gym at 07:00 for an hour.
4x a week.

I am kinda proud about that.

Including 25 days holiday.

My workout:

Walking warm up2.4 km im 20 min
Belly scruntch55502750
Back push10012012000
Leg push13013016900
Belly scruntch55502750
Push down80504000
Leg push13013016900
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I don't know how I walked yesterday. I was on my feet all day with those 4th and 5th graders. They keep you busy. Only did a 40 minutes walk. Legs and feet were on fire.
I hear you. Been battling a foot injury all spring and summer, finally getting to I can start my afternoon hikes in the park again. Only walk for 20 minutes so far as to not agravate things again. Feet were barking at me afterwards though.
Good news is I'm picking up the bicycle I put on layaway last week this evening so I will start alternating walks and bike riding to get some much needed exercise.
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I hear you. Been battling a foot injury all spring and summer, finally getting to I can start my afternoon hikes in the park again. Only walk for 20 minutes so far as to not agravate things again. Feet were barking at me afterwards though.
Good news is I'm picking up the bicycle I put on layaway last week this evening so I will start alternating walks and bike riding to get some much needed exercise.
Those things have always looked dangerous to me. With my accident record the bike would come loose as I was doing 50 mph and I would plaster myself to the wall in front of me, then tip over. Like a live action Wile E. Coyote cartoon...
Have you seen some of the dorks trying to get onto running treadmills? Especially funny are the gym bunnies when they do it.

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