What Cheered You Up Today?

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You think she paid the doc to say a month?
After a pretty uneventful summer I am finally going to take a few days off and head to northern Minnesota for some much needed R&R. 5 days away from rush hour traffic, no TV, no radio, no people other than the ones I invite over (those that aren't invited are probably up to no good in that neck of the woods).
The house A/C has a blower motor in the attic and the motor has electronic control on the end. We had a storm where the power flashed on/off three times rapidly which must have damaged the on board suppressor as it quit the next day. The motor its self is OK. The tech says they used to have the electronics end sealed in wax which could be scraped off and the suppressor component replaced. The motor manufacturer put a stop to that. I have the motor and plan to do some of that electronic tech sh*t to see if the suppressor can be replaced. It appears now to be sealed in rubber.
Years (decades) back, my buddy threw his back out leaning over from his desk to pick up a pen he dropped. He could not straighten up so he used a free coupon from the newspaper for one visit to a new chiropracter. The treatment worked and cost nothing. Merely another example of his being cheap, a long running jab at him.

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