What Cheered You Up Today?

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Nice to hear! My good news (was last week actually) is that I've found out my little sister is getting married to someone who was in the RAF but is leaving to be an air traffic controller. Then they're moving to Dubai in August. Yikes!
Someone was going to throw out lots of meat because the guys reefer in the truck quit for several hours and the chain of custody for safe food was lost . I grabbed 187 lbs of strip loin . So the rule is destroy it, I intend to destroy it. It was still frozen and tastes so very fine

Sweet, savor it Pb, an grab like that only happens every so often.
A free day off from work. We had so much snow last night that the airfield was shut down and all employees and soldiers were told by the Army to stay home.

The best thing....

I am still getting paid!

Still snowing now and supposed to continue throughout the day.
Bought CFS2 through Amazon.ca for $20.00 CND (including shipping)... Arrived in the mail today. Now the trilogy is complete !

Played about five missions so far... Not a bad game. Don't like the "comic-like" cutscenes, but who really cares ?
Nice one Karl, no stopping you now mate!
Vassilli, I've got a '96 Cherokee too; 4 litre, STRAIGHT six, auto. I get what the book says 18 mpg (Imperial gallon) around town, and about 25-28mpg on a run. With cruise control set, at a steady 70 MPH, or thereabouts, I get around 30 mpg.
Like yours, mine needs a bit of work on the ignition - had an untraceable fault on the electrics, which involved ripping out one of the imobiliser/alarm systems, which had been draining the battery, and/or causing the engine to cut-out now and then. Rather embarassing! Now it's an intermittent fault on ignition, which I think is just a lead, but it's been too darn cold to stand around outside trying to find out!
Hey Airframes.

I have cruise control too, but it doesn't work, so I just manually drive. Since I've got it(about 1 1/2 years ago) it's needed work on the brakes, coolant system, and a few minor things. My ignition crapped out on me once, turns out it was a fluke, hasn't given a problem since.
Weekend is nearly hear, and have two days of fishing on a Frozen lake planned. Get out of the cities and traffic for a couple days. Now, hopefully the fish will cooperate.

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