What Did You Get For Christmas? (2)

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man, Santa and the elves sure blessed you guy's sock off ........

hey off to feed "my" birds

the food at home is excellent; of course it is every year, my babe' can sure cook
Well I got a few sweaters, a few dress shirts, a new robe to wear at the sauna, a indoor putting and chipping set so I can keep practicing the fine skills of golf even in the winter months, and a very very good quality and quite expensive Cooking knives and utensil set from WMF the leading maker is such things and knives. Boy I cant wait to try it out on my next cooking creation!
Some groovy gifts boys.

An interesting present Les. An original prop ey.... nice! always fancied an original prop. Nearly bid for one from 'Back to the future' once. Enjoy Les.

Hey CC, let me know if the Clarkson book is any good.

I wanted a Headlight (for back packing)..... thank god for the January sales!!!!

Well I got some cool gifts... books mainly. but my sister got me...... wait for this.......................................................................................................................................... its worth the wait .................................. BOLT CUTTERS!!!!!!! all wrapped up. I have no idea why hehehehe! I can feel a new career coming on though.
Top that! (madness)
Hi all!

I got lots of new clothes ($700 dollars worth), lots of chocolate, and, this will probably be on Lanc's Xmas List next year, a "Light Sound" Avro Lancaster.
It lights up and acts out a bombing raid. Won't be getting it till March 2007!!


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