What do you sound like?

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Les I am still waiting a good friends response and prayerfully he wasn't in the tube ..........
You'll be surprised by mine then - when I get my mic working. I'm always last to these "Who are you?" threads. :confused:
Glad you had fun in Malta, Med. :cool:
Most of you so far sound pretty much as I imagined, and Med and I have spoken in the past via TeamSpeak so I knew his voice already. CC, your voice is a bit deeper than I imagined. Not that I thought you'd sound girlish or anything. Well maybe. ;)

Here's me.


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What kind of accent? You mean like "How's she goin', byes? 'Sa grand day we're havin', eh wah?". :lol:
Nah, the hard Nova Scotian left my speech some time ago. The "big city" does that. This was more like the radio announcer me. ;)
Thanks. I finally got my guppies from this one. :)


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