What do you sound like?

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You'll be surprised by mine then - when I get my mic working. I'm always last to these "Who are you?" threads.
Glad you had fun in Malta, Med.
Most of you so far sound pretty much as I imagined, and Med and I have spoken in the past via TeamSpeak so I knew his voice already. CC, your voice is a bit deeper than I imagined. Not that I thought you'd sound girlish or anything. Well maybe.

Here's me.


  • ns_-_take1_152.mpg
    343.6 KB · Views: 122
What kind of accent? You mean like "How's she goin', byes? 'Sa grand day we're havin', eh wah?".
Nah, the hard Nova Scotian left my speech some time ago. The "big city" does that. This was more like the radio announcer me.

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