What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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The last movie (DVD) I saw was the old (1979?) "NETWORK"....
"I'm Mad as Hell and I'm Not Going to Take It Anymore!"

William Holden, Peter Finch, Fay Dunaway (I think) I gave it
3 stars on a 5 stars is excellent rating chart.:shock:
Saw. Which is a great movie, can't wait to borrow the second. I'm going to see Hostel tomorrow ... which should be good.
I didn't see it yet but people told me it is a shit... Absolutely not corresponding with the reality.

Funny was what one guy from USA on another forum wrote:
i dont think i got a party in prague after seeing hostel sorry but that film is gonna fuck up the thriving eastern european tourism industry j/k

I watched "Jarhead" on DVD.

It had potential but in the end, I was dissapointed in the outcome. I wanted to see that Republican Guard officer get his head blown off from the sniper team.
plan_D said:
Saw. Which is a great movie, can't wait to borrow the second. I'm going to see Hostel tomorrow ... which should be good.

I gotta see that some time...

Yeah Jarhead had potential, but apart from a couple of nice scenes (the burning oil fields are awesome) the rest of it is a bit boring.

Rocky Horror Picture Show...ahhh ;)
Im going to see it in theatre at the end of the month, so be sure to look forward to the pictures. Me in fishnets and leather underwear. Youre drooling already ;)
Thing is that the group of friends ill be going with will probably be all girls, since none of my male friends want to dress up and do the time warp, and I will look like a pimp ;)
The Saw is a good movie, sort of Kafka style... I saw it completely stoned and some parts I really laughed (eg. when he's sawing his leg off :lol:)
walk the line, i was forced to watch it, so BORING like i fell asleep in the first 30 mins
Sat films:
I watched Saw on Sky t'other week... thought it was good. Original if weird and gruesome.
At the moment I have been watching two great discs - Rammstein's Lichtspeilhaus... lots of live stuff and their pop videos, nice. Also I have rented the first series of the puppet masterpiece 'Fireball XL5'. Nostalgia ain't what it used to be as they say. Novelty value if you want to see what preceeded Thunderbirds (the TV series not that PoC movie).


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