What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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I saw a bunch of good stuff recently. so here is a short list...

Clash of Warriros: Operation Cobra - Patton Vs. von Kluge (► REC)
Bin Ladens: The Dynasty of Terror
James Cameron's Expedition Bismarck
A Night to Remember, since the 14th is the anniversary of the Titanic hitting the iceberg and the 15th is the anniversary of her sinking. It's a very good movie. I would encourage all of you to watch it.
reddragon said:
A Night to Remember, since the 14th is the anniversary of the Titanic hitting the iceberg and the 15th is the anniversary of her sinking. It's a very good movie. I would encourage all of you to watch it.

I agree, great movie, much better than that crap from James Cameron. Watched From Here To Eternity last night, another great movie.
Residant Eveil

Nice movie. And a french film that were realy just stupid. Ma meere or something like that.

Tom Jerry cartoons from the 30's as my bro was watching it I saw several episodes from the cassette...... I think this cartoon can be called an art. This one and the old pre-WW2 Disney cartoons.

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