What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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pacific part 5
very good especially the landing on Pelilu, slightly dissapointed they missed a lot of things from E.B.Sledge's book out about the landing though, but i suppose you cant include everything or it'd go on for hours.

...and this is a bad thing? I'd sit for hours to watch that!
Picked up a 3 DVD set of Bruce Willis movies - for cheap, less than $10

"12 Monkeys" - can't beat a Terry Gilliam movie!
"The Jackal" - ok
"Mercury Rising"
Just watched the latest adaptation of King Kong, directed by Peter Jackson. It is very well made in every sense, and the graphic recreation of New York in the 1930s is stunning, beyond any recreation of the past I've ever seen in a movie.
at the cinema was Dear John... I thought it was going to be a chick flick and to a certain extent it was but it suprised me with being a film that you guys would like to watch cos of the military component. The acting was done very well. I especially liked the way they did the relationship between the autistic father and his son.... Not too many tissues needed and I am a soppy date where sad things are concerned

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