What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Hill 875.....

At 18:58 one of the worst friendly-fire incidents of the Vietnam Conflict occurred when a Marine Corps fighter-bomber dropped two 500-pound bombs into 2/503's perimeter. One of the bombs exploded, a tree burst above the center of the position, where the combined command groups, the wounded, and the medics were all located. It killed 42 men outright and wounded 45 more, including the overall on-scene commander, Captain Harold Kaufman. 1Lt. Bartholomew O'Leary, Delta Company Commander, was seriously wounded. (Alpha company's commander had been killed in the retreat up the slope).
the last Predator movie, they needed to do more with the dogs or whatever they were, story line was dry in my opinion ......... a couple of hokey scenarios
The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959) with Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee (Governor Tarkin and Count Dooku for you Star Wars fans out there) Not the best version of this Sherlock Holmes story by far.

Heh...radio station down in Austin ran a contest for the 20th (25th?) anniversary of "Jaws" release. Contestants did some call-in trivia thing, and won tickets for a private screening of the original movie, remastered and with deleted scenes re-added. The night of the release, everyone loaded on board a party-barge, and went out into the middle of Lake Travis (really just a real wide spot in the Trinity River as it goes through Austin, but who's to argue?). Food/drinks were provided...the screen was set up either on shore, or on a nearby barge. The movie was projected...and everyone watched it while floating in innertubes. Dude. I so wanted to get ahold of one of those tickets!!!

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