What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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You mean Season 1 correct, because Season 2 is not out on DVD yet. Infact the Season 2 finally was just on TV a couple of weeks ago. They just finished filming it. Season 1 has been out for several months now, I own it.
Dont be put off by me - I know a lot of people who like it, im just not the kind of person who likes comedy films. They're never as funny as they claim to be.
cheddar cheese said:
Would you believe it? A whole week without the internet and I didnt watch a single film. Aha I tell a lie actually... One Hour Photo.

That's kind of a dark film. I know Robin Williams has done some other dramas but seeing him act like a hyperactive chimp on uppers most of the time usually makes me think of him in less than serious roles. Awakenings is a really good one of his, in my opinion.

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