What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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cheddar cheese said:
The Simpsons bore me to hell nowadays, Family Guy and American Dad are much better.

they are but they're always on too late and i can't be bothered to record them.........

and i caught the last 20 minutes of X-Men last night.........
Just finished Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Season 2 (Damn Teri Hatcher was so damn fine back then) and I am starting the Series Over There for the second time. Watched when I was in the field and now my wife wants to watch it with me.
reddragon said:
The Godfather. I believe more people got killed in this movie than Band of Brothers, Saving Private Ryan, Spartacus, and A Night to Remember, combined.
The original one from Coppola (aka Scarface) or the shi*ty remake from late 90's?

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