What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Funny, they just screened in here two days ago. :)

I saw The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy... Disappointed...
the difference between us being i had the presence of mind to record it and lay in bed watching it this morning, as opposed to getting tired by staying up 'til midnight last night :lol:
The difference being im actually not tired at all. I was gonna go to sleep after watching Ultimate Force but I couldnt, so I watched the rest of American Beauty. Still couldnt sleep :rolleyes:
ozumn said:
Need help, whats name of the movie staring Benny Hill, they are flying WW1 planes i think.

Is it, "Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines"?

Wildcat, I've never heard of Brotherhood of War. Where and when was it made? Maybe I'll try to look for it.

I like your signature, Pisis. Sort of looks like something from Battle of Britain but it's been a long time since I've seen that one so I'm probably wrong (which I always am).
Brotherhood Of War is a Korean movie so you'll have to read subtitles, but if that doesn't bother you it's a pretty damn good movie about two brothers who fight in the Korean war. Be warned it's very violent and realistic - puts Saving Private Ryan to shame!

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