What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Yeah, it was a disappointment, but hey, there is a scene in there where he is driving through Santa Paula. Always something to see a shot in a movie that you have been to.

I saw Unbroken yesterday. I thought it was pretty good. The book fills in a lot of holes that were left out. It is hard to capture an entire book in 2.5 hours.
The Black Camel (1931). It's the first Charlie Chan feature film where the detective is the lead character throughout the picture. Warner Oland (the best Chan ever) stars. Also turning in a fine performance are Bela Lugosi and a very young Robert Young in his first credited film role.
the book thief. its set in germany at the beginning of the war and tells of a family that takes in a young girl to keep her out of the camps. extremely well written, directed, and acted...highly suggest it.

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