What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (2 Viewers)

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At the theater it was "The Great Raid", that should show you that I don't get out much or I hate the Hollywood Ilk so much that I refuse to support them by spending my money to view thier products.
The Simpsons Movie - seeing as the TV show has gone downhill I wasn't expecting very much from this. I'm glad to report I was wrong as it is very funny indeed
12 Angry Men, one of my all time favorites.

Martin Balsam............Juror #1
John Fiedler...............Juror #2
Lee J. Cobb...............Juror #3
E.G. Marshall..............Juror #4
Jack Klugman.............Juror #5
Edward Binns.............Juror #6
Jack Warden..............Juror #7
Henry Fonda..............Juror #8
Joseph Sweeney........Juror #9
Ed Begley.................Juror #10
George Voskovec.......Juror #11
Robert Webber..........Juror #12

TO, that was on AMC the other day. Great Movie!

Watched "Moby Dick" with Gregory Peck. One of the best. Directed by John Huston, screenplay by Ray Bradbury and a few stars before they were stars...except Orson Welles.
Got a question for those movie buffs here. Watched a movie on PBS the other night. Didn't catch the beginning and came in about a quarter through but here was the premise:

3 Soldiers back home after WWII: One was in AF, another lost both arms and had hooks. Movie was about how they adjusted back to civilian life. Towards end of movie, the guy with no arms got married and the AF guy went to a aircraft junkyard and was sitting in a B-17 (he was a bombadier in the war, I think) when scrappers offered him a job. Decent enough movie but don't know the name or actors. The AF bombadier guy looked familiar but I can't place where I saw him before.

Anybody know the movie? Oh, it was black and white.

The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)

Movie won 7 Oscars.

The guy with the hooks was Harold Russell. He was training paratroopers at Camp MacKall NC on June 6, 1944 when some TNT he was using exploded in his hands. He lost both hands. After receiving hooks, and training on them, he was chosen to make an Army training film called "Diary Of A Sergeant". William Wyler saw the film and decided to change a character in his film The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) from a spastic to a double amputee. Harold Russell played Homer Parish. For this role he received 2 Oscars, a Best Supporting and one for being an inspiration to all returning veterans. He is the only actor to receive 2 Oscars for the same role.

Others in cast...

Myrna Loy
Fredric March (Best Actor)
Dana Andrews
Teresa Wright
Virginia Mayo
Cathy O'Donnell
Hoagy Carmichael


I have seen this movie many times (I was born in 41) but I do not remember the part where the AF guy was messing around in a boneyard and got offered a job??

Going to see if I can get it from NetFlix and check it out.

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