What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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"The good the bad and the ugly". One of my all time favourites and one of the all time great movies.

I'd go with that. Tuco finding the cemetary as The Ecstasy of Gold starts playing is possibly the greatest piece of film making ever.

I've just watched Christine. Brilliant film that I haven't watched in ages, easily one of Carpenter's best. And just how awesome does that Fury look................?
Just watched "Ronin" again. Sharp, neat film, well written, well acted and well directed. Car chase scenes ranks up there with "Bullitt" and "The Seven-Ups".
Plan 9 From Outer Space - the legendary 'worst film of all time.' Perhaps not the worst, but staggeringly inept on ever level, even by 50's sci-fi standards. Sample dialogue:
'Well one thing's for sure, Inspector Clay's dead, murdered. And someone's responsible!'
'You are interested in the future, because that's where you and I will spend the rest of our lives'
Best comedy I've seen in ages
Was that with Boris Karlof? He died halfway through it and they used someone with a cape over his face for the rest of the scenes.

Bela Lugosi. He died after only doing one scene so is indeed played by someone (I tihnk it was the directors wife's chiropractor) who looks nothing like Lugosi, running around with a cape over his face!
Tried to watch "Gone With The Wind" last night on TCM. Kept falling asleep; Clark Gable is great, Vivien Leigh as well, but the movie is very over-rated (and too long).


Very violent but historically accurate. I thought the ending was great, those two idiots with gold hanging all over them staring at the Spanish as they approach in a "landing craft"!!

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