What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (2 Viewers)

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Almost at the end, I think its Fredrick March, goes to the boneyard with row upon row of Fortresses. He finds one (It may have been his - seems to recognize it) and climbs into the nose. While reminising, the Foreman for the Scrap company tells him to get out. He does, askes for a job, they banter and walla... his life takes a turn.

Can't believe I never saw the movie before now.
Saw "Jaws" for the first time two days ago...superb movie.

What´s the name of the actor that played Quint, the thrilling captain of the "Orca"? In my view he owned the movie -see a magnificent moment when he delivers a speech telling his experience on the USS Indianapolis-.

Robert Shaw played Quint. He was great and you're right, his Indianapolis story was awe inspiring. I remember the summer of 1975 after "Jaws" was released. Virtually no one went swimming in the ocean (including me).

My last movie was "Casablanca" for the hundredth time. But since it's my all-time favorite, I could watch it a thousand times.

"For a Few Dollars More" = my favorite of the "man with no name" trilogy. Me and my son (9 years old and already a Sergio Leone affectionado) have already seen this one many times - but its one of those movies that you often find while channel surfing and just can't turn off.
Yesterday I watched The Magnificent Seven and was surprised to find that I could not remember #2 Harry Luck (in order of hiring on) The others are easy. It was the actor Brad Dexter, (married to Peggy Lee, but you young squirts prolly don't remember her)
Enchanted -Heros
Saw Transformers just last Weekend- Magnificent film.
The Story wasn't very good and it went to fast. I am the kind of person who dosent care about graphics. I didnt watch the show, either.
How the hell can you judge something like that if you havn't seen it.
If you are going by the critics remember a critic is a man with no legs who commments about running....
Anyway the CG was very good by now days nearly every film has very good CG it is almost a requirment by the public they will notice faults in the effects people 30 years ago wouldn't have...
Hey, Udet. That piece that Robert Shaw gives about the "Indianapolis" he brought to Speilberg and he just went for it. I think he did it in one take and he (Shaw) wrote it himself. Fantastic movie.

Watched "John Q" with Denzel. Good movie but the preaching was a bit much.
Tough Hombre and Njaco:

Interesting...i did not know the name of the actor who played Quint. Thanks for the data; the guy who lent me the movie told me -before seeing it- that as one of the movie´s several features is what perhaps is the greatest speech in the history of cinema.

After seeing it, and when i returned the DVD to him, he asked me if i could tell him what was the speech he initially referred to...i told him "HANDS DOWN...the USS Indianapolis speech on board the Orca...at night".

Also Njaco and Tough Hombre, there was another brilliant participation of Quint (Shaw) when he interrupted the City Meeting where the Mayor, Chief Brody and council would deal with the recent shark attacks taking place in the area...that was REMARKABLE...the self-assurance, and even arrogance of the character, plus an exquisite evil streak projected was impressive in my view.

The way he interrupted the meeting only added to his thrilling personality, by scratching a board with his nails.

As the seasoned shark hunter he is, he throws in his proposal to the City, $10,000, knowing that these people fret about the mad fish roaming their beaches during a season of the year where thousands of tourists will flow in...check on Quint´s evilish grin when he terminates his presentation to the council..."Mr. Mayor...Chief...Ladies and Gentlemen". As if he knew, that sooner or later, they will take his bait.

From all movies i have seen so far few characters would be as cool as Quint.

Can you recommend any other movies where Robert Shaw appears?

Do you think he could be in any way under-rated?

Udet, sounds like "Jaws" really made an impression on you. Robert Shaw is one of my favorite actors also. Unfortunately he died young (51, heart attack). Check these movies out that he starred in.....

From Russia with Love (1963)
Battle of the Bulge (1965)
Battle of Britain (1969)
The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1974)
Black Sunday (1977)
The Deep (1977)
Force 10 from Navarone (1977)

He also had a small part in the 1955 movie "The Dam Busters"


Tough Hombre: you bet it did!!!

Well this movie was made quite some time before my birth (1975)...we talk about a decade.

Although i am not a "movie freak" i have to admit seeing a movie that was made more than 30 years ago, where an actual model of a shark was utilized, was to a great extent refreshing.

I am really getting tired of this "super hi-tech" computer effects utilized for making the bulk of the present-day action movies. Unless we refer to these movies of the type of Shrek, Incredibles or Toy Stories, it´s been a good while since i commenced having issues with these movies -where actual people do appear- that resort to this crap computer effects for making the bulk of the action.

It was really great to a see movie that seemed so realistic...do you recall Quint´s death? It was so bloody horrible, i could barely stand it; also there you have that part: would there be any other movie death scene that could match Quint´s end? I do not think so. Apart from the fact you have a mechanical model of the shark for the scene, you also should have an actor of the level of Robert Shaw to creat such an horrifying scene.

If they were to make a Jaws movie today, i am sure no less than 90% of the shark shots would be "super hi-tech" computer. To hell with that.

Thanks for the list of movies Hombre; i will try to check them out...so it´s been a while since there is no more Robert Shaw?
TO posted the movies with Robert Shaw before I did. He was a great actor and could really take on a part.

That movie, along with the other early ones made before 1985, made Speilberg what he is and we've seen only flashes since except "Schindler's list" and "Saving Private Ryan" (Those are fantastic probably because he loves war movies, first movie as a kid was a warplane movie made with his teen buddies in a plane at an outside war museum).

"Jaws" is one of his best but my favorite from him is "Duel" - made for TV but stands as a theatrical movie all its own. You should check it out.
In the movie "The Deep" Shaw again plays the part of a wily old sea dog. Another fine job, but aside from that, for a real treat see if you can find the movie "Swashbuckler". Fun, funny and sinister.......

Robert Shaw (I)
tpikdave: yeah, saw "The Deep" on Tough Hombre´s list...i guess that will be the next to see.

Also thanks for the extra recommendation!

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