What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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What a day! On my day off I was a couch lizard. Started with "Charlie Wilson's War" (should be required viewing for young voters) then it was onto "The Bucket List" (nice movie, enjoyable) but then I ruined it all by watching the only movie that could surpass "Pear Harbour" as not worthy to use on my butt. Its Shark Week on a local TV station around here so it was ......"Jaws III" with Dennis Quaid and Louis Gossest. What dreck!!! Thats 120 minutes I'll never get back.
Watched "Hanover Street", 1979 Harrison Ford flick. Typical WW2 love-triangle, non-standard love-triangle ending. Not bad, not one I'd rush out to buy.
just saw mummy 3 had a beufighter in it that sat five in the back had duel controls up front then still had room for a large yak !
oh yeah and had a large side door which was jerry rigged with a bren gun ??????????????
and the actress replacing rachel wiess was crap at an english accent but overall was ok movie

I love the fact that, when flying, nothing is bolted down (several comments are made upon this fact), yet when landing....on skiis on a glacier....the same Beaufighter will slide to a screeching halt at the very edge of the glacier, tip up pretty much vertically, then slowly flop back down on its belly....with nothing that was un-bolted even shifting position inside. Gotta love Hollywood!

Oh, and the bomb....was just tossed out the side door!

Otherwise, a turn-your-brain-off entertaining action/comedy.

yeah he was a good shot with that bomb hiiting a moving jeep first go and the bloke survived that was driving !!!!!!!!!
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, 1965.

"What the hell do you think spies are? Moral philosophers measuring everything they do against the word of God or Karl Marx? They're not! They're just a bunch of seedy, squalid bastards like me: little men, drunkards, queers, hen-pecked husbands, civil servants playing cowboys and Indians to brighten their rotten little lives. Do you think they sit like monks in a cell, balancing right against wrong?"

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