What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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A remake of The Day the Earth stood still is coming soon, it will have to be REAL good to beat the original...


Sadly they do do anything these days but make sucky CGI remakes of classic movies and TV shows...I doubt it's going to be better then the original..but I hope I'm surprised...

The big surprise for me the other night was Waterhorse...I watched it to just watch it and was really shocked how much I liked it...
Other than that just been watching the entire Ballykissangel series on Netflix for a change up and not too many movies lately..up to the start of season 4 now...It's become one of my favorites.
Bonnie Clyde (1967)

Somehow never saw it all these years and better than I thought, although the Warren Oats Dillenger is still my favorite of the 30's bankrobber movies.
The Golden Compass....didn't mind it actually!

Same here, saw it a few weeks ago because the wife wanted too and was surprised by it.

Watched Uptown Saturday Night tonight, I hadn't seen it since I was a kid,
Great old Bill Cosby comedy with some big names in it...
633 Squadron (just then)
over the last few days

Stalag 17
Where Eagles Dare

and about to watch The Desert Rats

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