What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (1 Viewer)

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Run For Cover....Colorado (USA) (reissue title), with James Cagney, Viveca Lindfors, John Derek and others...from '55. Had me a bit surprised when they started to speak Swedish in the movie..!

"Why don't you stop feeling sorry for yourself? You think you're the only one in the world ever got a raw deal... There's a lot of people in this world who've had a tougher time than you or me. It comes with the ticket. Nobody guarantees you a free ride. The only difference is, most people don't run for cover. They keep right on going, picking up the pieces the best way they can. But you never hear of them. It's the ones who can't take it, like you - the ones looking for a free ride - who cause all the trouble, everywhere."
some great mossie flying footage and some truly awful special effects even for an old movie

with you on that

Have you noticed the Mosquitos are bomber variants made to look like one of the Fighter variants

I didn't notice til they were first on the ground
yeah saw that the plexiglass nose was just painted over but you could see the bomb aimers flat panel, ialso wondered if they used real mossies for all the crash landings

Yep I heard they did

For one of the landing crashes anyway

taxied at high speed then up goes the gear!

What one of those would be worth now...

I'd kill for one of the Merlins alone

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