Glock Perfection
I'm curious. This forum has quite the diversity in folks background and age. Surely our music tastes run the gamut too. But the younger generation has embraced music portability over preference to sound quality. It is typically (though not always) a rather severe tradeoff that audiophiles abhor.
So I ask, what is your primary music equipment? Are you an iPod/MP3 person? Use a docking station? Only your computer with chinsy speakers and perhaps a "subwoofer"? I put that in quotes because some of today's "subwoofers" are actually nothing more than a bass-module. Do you own a large stereo with floorstanding speakers? Perhaps you are just using a 5.1 or 7.1 surround sound system that doubles as your music system too.
What's the concensus?
[I'll post mine a bit further down]
So I ask, what is your primary music equipment? Are you an iPod/MP3 person? Use a docking station? Only your computer with chinsy speakers and perhaps a "subwoofer"? I put that in quotes because some of today's "subwoofers" are actually nothing more than a bass-module. Do you own a large stereo with floorstanding speakers? Perhaps you are just using a 5.1 or 7.1 surround sound system that doubles as your music system too.
What's the concensus?
[I'll post mine a bit further down]