What made me sad today...

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A proper litany from me.

My father is currently in the last stages of heart failure. He has been referred to palliative care and/or hospice services, both of which he is vehemently declining. Given that he has been bedridden the last two weeks, I expect bad news at any moment.

An aunt passed yesterday from complications arising from a very late diagnosed case of MND.

A friend passed on Tuesday.
That sucks. Stay strong for now.
I have a long time, (44 years or so), fellow sign painter friend in country CA, I am in Oz!
She has gone thru 3 years of heart surgeries and complications and is now a paraplegic.
She and her husband just had only a couple of days ago, their 18th wedding anniversary.
Second, late marriage. Her husband has gone thru some serious kidney surgeries and last
night has been airlifted to a far away hospital with more kidney, he has just one, complications.
She needs help, does not want to be alone and someone to hug..................... and I,
am over here! Judy is one of those people who doesn't deserve all this in her life.
So kind hearted and giving. My wife thinks it's a shame we are so far away, we would both
be there for her.
My older daughter informed me that, now that she is done with school, and has a new job, she will be moving out by the end of summer. Her twin brother will be gone doing Army training for most of the next year and also plans to move out once he returns. My younger daughter will be off to college in the fall, so my big house will be practically empty. Just me, my wife, and our youngest son. I'm feeling lonely already.
Baby birds have to leave the nest and fly. They often fly home. Meanwhile, more space for models, books etc. except here at my house where they store furnishings for their future home. I should say larger home, because when I went to visit, I brought some things and was told, "We don't have room for them now, just keep them for us."
Two are boomarang kids already, going for their second launch. But when the three are gone, I won't be able to press them into service to run errands for us any more.
I can understand that. We're having kind of an "Indian Summer" with our kids, three are staying with us for probably another year before they move on. Our youngest son, number 2 child just this morning left for Pennsylvania on his next life stage. I miss him already but we do a lot of online gaming together so it won't be so bad. It's certainly mixed emotions, I'm proud and happy he's getting out and doing what he wants but at the same time, you still can see them as little kids with wonder in their eyes at every turn. And I miss those good night kisses on the cheek.

So yeah, it'll be tough when the other three decide to fly as well, you have my sympathies bud.

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