What's for dinner?

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They make some good points in there and it would do folks well to read or at least be aware of what wheat is capable of.

I have a pretty good balance to my diet and should do pretty well for years to come...well, that is as long as dumbasses stop running into my car...
Spinach, chilli beef and tomatoes. Dried apricots, nuts and pumpkin seeds. Yep, the 'iron count'...oh, and day 5 with no added salt to my food.
Dam Rochie that looks lovely! And I gotta make one of your burgers Meat. Since you have to work your ingredients together, does it make your burgers dense?

Tonight we are having T-Bone steaks on the grill with creamed spinich. Don't rain dammit!!
I laughed to, I guess there must be something wrong with me.

Last night it was grilled Yellowfin Tuna. Nothing fancy just coated with olive oil, some fresh ground sea-salt and pepper and onto the grill for about 5 minutes per side. Then a little square of butter on top after it was finished. . Served with fresh sweet corn on the cob and some home-made bread and butter pickles from the Farmers market.
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Last night I took my left over Tuna steak and clumbled it up. Chopped up a little Vadalia onion, diced up a Vlassic pickle, added some Mayo, pepper and put it all on a Kaiser Roll, with a little brown mustard. Quick and easy.

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