What's for dinner?

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Brathaenchen (roasted whole chicken) with Semmelknoedel (bread dumplings) and Rotkohl (Red Cabbage)

I love it when American food has other world names. Brings us back to our roots.

Went over to Mom's tonight and made BBQ burgers and she made oven fries. Some coleslaw, baked beans and antipasti rounded out the evening. Worried about her, I am.

That's like saying because it was five degrees warmer in July than March it will be even warmer in November. The data you refer to is taken over a very short period. It's very poor and unscientific reporting (I was once a scientist) and has been widely repeated, here in the UK it was the Daily Mail that jumped on this particular band wagon.
The long term trend for global temperature, and this is the difference between climate and weather, is up. The only debate is how much of this effect is due to human activity and how much is due to us still being in the process of leaving the last ice age.

I've just polished off a very nice roast beef dinner with roasted potatoes and parsnips along with carrots and brussels sprouts, all washed down with a nice bottle of Saint-Joseph. I can hardly move


For dinner last night it was fresh Venison Tenderloins from a little deer a buddy harvested with his Muzzleloader the evening before.
Sliced them 1/4" thick and fried in some butter, salt, pepper. Served with fried potato slices and onions. Tasty!
Mutton stew with dumplings tonight. Everything bar the flour came from our little patch (well the mutton was via a certain arrangement with a near neighbour farmer). Cider is in the fridge and dumpling just about to be placed on the stew to rise.
Mutton stew with dumplings tonight. Everything bar the flour came from our little patch (well the mutton was via a certain arrangement with a near neighbour farmer). Cider is in the fridge and dumpling just about to be placed on the stew to rise.

Sounds great. It's something I haven't eaten for years, but my mum used to do a fantastic neck of mutton stew with dumplings.



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